First of all, I want to thank everyone for the best wishes on my hubbie's retirement. We've been busy trying to get things set up before the middle of May. Hubby will receive his pension in a lump sum, so we need to find some place to invest it. We've been to see several investment companies and still have one more to meet with. I hate making important decisions, especially when they involve the little bit of money we're going to have to live on for the rest of our lives. I have a basic knowledge of investments from working in banking for so many years, but I don't trust my knowledge. We're still looking for health insurance. I won't get into that subject, since it would be a major rant.
We are having simply gorgeous weather. My bleeding heart are blooming, the radishes and lettuce are coming up, and everything is green. I had a dental appointment and an appointment to get my hair cut today, so I didn't have a chance to get outside. But, tomorrow I plan on spending the day in the yard. We have already cut the grass twice and it needs cutting again, I've also got some onion sets to put in the garden and two new perennials to plant. It's time to move my Norfolk Island Pine tree back outside to the deck - if I can get it through the door. Lots of springtime work to do, but I love doing it.
If you're having beautiful weather like we are, I hope you have the opportunity to get outside and enjoy it.