Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Radishes from the garden ......

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been getting radishes out of my garden. Delicious! Everything tastes so much better directly out of the garden.

The radishes did well, however the carrots never came up. The lettuce is very thin and is not growing as it should. I planted a few watermelon seeds where the carrots were planted and I may dig up the lettuce to plant canteloupe.
So far, my tomatoes are looking good. The first three I planted have been blooming and got big enough for the cages. The second group of three regular tomatoes and the three cherry tomatoes are growing fast. We've had plenty of rain lately, which has allowed the garden to make a good start.


Nonie said...

fresh radishes out of the garden....my favorite.

Gilly said...

Yummy! I like the look of all your vegs. Don't you have trouble with slugs and snails? I have to fence my stuff off with copper tape, mini 'greenhouses' (plastic bottles cut in half, and generally wage war!

Reasons said...

Lovely jubbly! x

Dee said...

Radishes! A sandwich of sliced radishes on white bread with plenty of butter, delicious, haven't had one in ages.

KathyA said...

Everything looks very healthy! I've had trouble with carrots in the past, too. I began planting the seed tapes and had a bit more success.
One year I planted potatoes -- what a harvest we had. Those were fun.
I hope you have tomatoes well before the 4th of July!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

We don't have slugs or snails here. Rabbits will get in the garden once in awhile. The main problem is with deer. My beds are close to the house and under a yard light that burns all night, so I'm hoping they won't eat everything.

I used seed tape for the carrots and lettuce. Maybe, Mazie Grace messed them up when she got in the garden. I would love to have tomatoes by July 4th.