Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back again ..............

Mr. Possum was back again today. He was at the back deck looking around for something to eat. A bit later, he curled up in the sun beside a bush and took a nap. Later in the afternoon, I saw him go across the front yard to the field across the road. That's the same route he took yesterday.

Usually possums are nocturnal animals, but since we had snow on the ground for so long he was unable to find adequate food. Now that the snow has melted and it has warmed up, he's out trying to fill his belly.


Linda said...

Just make sure he keeps heading out of your yard. It is unusual to see one in the daylight like that. He must have a spouse somewhere.

We dug up a stump in our back yard not knowing a mother possum and her babies were living there. They scattered, the mother went two doors up from us and apparently climbed a ladder in the garage leading to the attic. She then went down in the water heater closet in the bathroom. The people heard banging around and opened the closet door and there stood Mrs. Possum. She was not happy and neither were they.

Gilly said...

A lot of animals and birds are out and about looking for food this winter, with all the snow, both sides of the Atlantic.

Although we haven't had possums! Can they swim?? ;)

Reasons said...

Snow here still too. I sympathise with Mr. Possum, it's been a long winter.

CountryDew said...

POssums are kind of cute, but I don't like them near the house.

Arkansas Patti said...

I use Haveaheart traps and have relocated several about 5 miles from my home by a river.
Like you, I am afraid of what Mighty dog might do with one.

Lilla said...

Wow, you were able to get really close to Mr.Possum! He wouldn't last two mintes in our yard if the dogs found him. We had one curled up under a patio table once and I thought he was dead (he was REALLY playing possum!). The dogs knew better and refused to leave their guard until I forced them in the house. What an ordeal!