Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mazie Grace’s new place to sleep ………..

Can you see Mazie Grace in this picture?  I looked all over the house for her yesterday, and finally found her in the guest room hiding in the bookcase.  My cats can find some weird places to sleep.

August 2010 004








We’ve had two days of wonderful rain for a total of 3.1 inches.  We really needed the rain after our two dry months.


Linda said...

I love that cat and I love her southern name, Mazie Grace. I notice people in the South use two given names a lot. At least she's staying home these days.

rachel said...

Aaaw, bless......

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Don't you just love the places they find to sleep? Mine likes the bookcase as well. very cute

NitWit1 said...

Mazie is increasing her knowledge. We had a silly notion in college if we slept on our text books we absorbed it contents with or without actural study. SILLY freshman.

Becky Mushko said...

Chloe (same colors as Mazie-Grace) likes to sleep on books, too.

Arkansas Patti said...

Yes they do. Mickey is a master at hiding.
Lately we measure our rain in how many drops per square foot. Lucky you.

CountryDew said...

The rain has been welcome here, too!

Gilly said...

Cats always amaze me! We lost a kitten once, and discovered him in a closed drawer! He had managed to creep round the back of the chest of drawers, and climb in from the back. Fast asleep on spare sweaters!

Maizie Grace must be a brainy cat!

KathyA said...

Don't you just love how cats find the neatest places??? I also note that MG only rests on best sellers! What a wonderful cat!