Mollie Ann's new favorite placeI haven't been around lately. Mr. Arthur Ritis paid me a visit and settled in for an extended stay in my neck, shoulders, and back. I was too uncomfortable to sit at the computer and was in too foul a mood to converse by any means with other people. I believe the worst is over with and hopefully I will be back to normal soon. Needless to say, I haven't been doing much other than trying to find a position that was bearable. I don't know of anything special that brought the flare-up on. Every so often it just decides to act up for awhile.
We are in the process of closing the pool for the summer. The weather report is calling for cool temperatures this weekend. Even though the days have been hot and humid, the nights have been cool. It's perfect weather for sleeping with the windows open.
We easily got the yard cleaned up after the hurricane and were thankful that we had no damage. A couple of days later a huge limb on a tall oak tree in the back yard broke off. We will have to get a tree service to come in and take it down as it is too high up for hubby to reach. While they are here we're getting the whole tree cut down. As you can see in the bottom picture, it is leaning out over the yard and will fall sooner or later taking the electric wires down with it. I'm surprised the whole tree didn't come down.

I apologize for not commenting on your blogs lately. I'm off now to catch up on everyone.