Did you check out all the sales? You couldn't pay me to go shopping on Black Friday. There's absolutely nothing I need or want enough to put up with the crowds. I don't do much Christmas shopping anyway. I've ordered Hubby a watch from a local jewelers and will find a small gift for my brother. That is all the shopping I plan on doing.
My brother eats supper with us several times a week. Mollie Ann has fallen in love with his lap. As soon as he sits down, she jumps up and settles down. She doesn't move until he gets up to go home. I've tried to talk him into adopting her, but he already has one cat.
Is that a picture of pure relaxation or what?
We've been busy getting up leaves in the yard. They seem to fall faster than we can get them up. With 2 acres of yard we don't try to rake except where the leaf vacuum doesn't go. We have an abundance of acorns, hickory nuts, walnuts, and sweet gum balls this year. Hope that doesn't mean we will have a bad winter.