I received the Norfolk Island Pine in the above picture years ago. The bank purchased one for each employee's desk as decoration for Christmas. When I got it, it was less than a foot tall. I brought mine home, watered it once a week and moved it to bigger pots as it grew. I would take it out to the deck in the spring and bring it back inside in the fall.
When it became too large for the house, I would move it inside the garage for the winter. Hubby would complain every spring and fall when he had to haul the heavy tree and pot through the back door. Last year it was a real struggle getting it inside and it was almost too tall for the garage. I measured it this fall and it was close to 10 feet tall.
I knew it had outgrown our garage as well as the house. I hated to leave it outside and have the cold temperatures of winter kill it. I decided to put it on Freecycle and offer it for free to someone who had room to winter it inside. A kind lady in town came by the other day to pick it up. I will miss my tree and I wish it well.
Perhaps I'll purchase a small one this Christmas and start the process again.