We had a beautiful weekend - sunny and very warm. I had to take advantage of it by going outside and taking care of some fall yard chores.
We haven't had a frost yet, but it's time for one, so I decided to put the Norfolk Island Pine in the garage for the winter. I got this tree years ago as a Christmas decoration. It was only about a foot tall and was in a small pot. As it grew, I kept repotting it in larger and larger pots. It got too large for the house, so I would put it on the deck during the summer and in the garage during the winter. The pot is too heavy for me to carry off the deck and around to the lift up garage door, so I slide it across the deck and into the garage through the back door. As you can see in the picture, it has gotten so big it was a challenge to get it through the door. I had to tilt the pot and bend the top in order to get it through. It takes up a lot of room in the garage. It's sitting beside my treadmill, so when I work out, I feel like I'm walking in the woods.
I got some weeding done while the ground is still moist, planted some tulip and daffodil bulbs, and cleaned up some flower beds. I also raked up pine needles under the trees by the road. Hubby got the leaf vacuum out and went over the yard for the first time, getting up all the leaves that had fallen.
I am sore tonight - probably from all that raking. I'll soak in a hot bath and take some Tylenol Arthritis before I go to bed.
Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend