We must have a million helicopters in our front yard. I call the seed pods on the maple tree helicopters, since they twirl as they fall to the ground. We had some wind Sunday and it looked like a snow storm as they came flying down. They are everywhere and get tracked inside on our shoes or on the kittie's fur. Maggie May has entertained herself with trying to catch them.
I've gotten behind in all my work around the house and yard. I switched my arthritis medicine from Celebrex to meloxicam because it was so much cheaper. It didn't work at all for me even when I doubled the dosage. As a result, I ended up with sore joints and aches and pains all over my body. I had to go back to the Celebrex last Thursday, and have finally begun to feel better. I decided I would be willing to pay about $100. a month not to be in such pain. At least I tried the cheaper alternative. Anyway, I didn't get much done for a couple of weeks. Hope I can get busy on some yard work this week.