My grass has turned brown.

I like hot weather, but this is going a bit too far. Every day for the last 10 days has been in the upper 90s. Four of those days were over 100 - we had 3 days at 102 and 1 day at 101. I usually avoid turning on my air conditioner, but it has been running constantly except for the early morning. I turn it off and open the windows when I get up, but by 10 AM I have to turn it back on. The days that were over 100 were just too hot to even go in the pool. The pool water temperature is up to 85, so the water is not that refreshing - more like a tepid bath. We're suppose to get some much needed relief tomorrow.
We had a very brief shower last night - the first rain we've had in three weeks. I'm afraid it was too little and too late for my garden. I got one tomato from the garden on June 17th. Since then every one of the tomatoes has had dry rot. The squash and cucumbers are gone and the green peppers look sickly. I've been watering almost every night, but it hasn't been enough. Maybe next year I can have a good garden.
Between the heat draining all my energy and being busy with repairs to my Dad's two John Deere lawn tractors and John Deere Gator, I have gotten behind on reading blogs. I apologize for my lack of comments. I'm hoping I can get caught up later tonight.