I don't have any excuse for not posting sooner other than nothing has been going on. It's just been too hot to do anything - 100 Thursday, 102 yesterday, 106 today, and a forecast of the same tomorrow. Anyone who doubts that global warming exists should come spend a week in Southside Virginia. I don't remember ever having a summer this hot.
The days have been too hot to go in the pool. I had planned on swimming tonight, but I checked the water temperature and it is 88. I don't find water that warm to be refreshing, so I'll stay inside in the air conditioning.
We did get some rain - Hooray! We had a nice shower last week and a brief shower earlier this week. It helped to green up the lawn. I'm still watering the garden every day. I have some nice cherry tomatoes and every so often I'll get a squash or cucumber. The regular tomatoes are still a disappointment - almost every one has dry rot.
I got my hair cut Tuesday. I was way overdue for a cut. I had been letting it grow so I could pull it back in a ponytail when it was hot or when I went in the pool. It had gotten longer than I have ever worn my hair. She cut off 4 to 6 inches and it is still shoulder length. I can still get it in a ponytail - a short one. I'm not very talented at fixing my hair, so I need a style that is wash and wear. So far, I'm satisfied with this cut.
Like I said - not much happening here.